Diabetic Surgery in Jalandhar, Gastric Bypass Surgery Punjab

Posted : 20 Sep, 2023

Relevance of location of fibroid

Fibroid come in different sizes and they will be present at different location within or attached to the uterus. Let’s understand something basics about the uterus. Uterus has three layers. The outer layer is the serosa , the middle layer is the muscular layer which is called the myometrium and then there is the inner most layer of the uterus which is the endometrial lining . This endometrial lining forms the bed for the implantation of the embryo. The fibroid can be present in any of these layers or in more than one layer.


Patients may have no symptoms or may present with mass abdomen, heavy periods, pain lower abdomen, inability to conceive/ infertility or may have urinary symptoms or constipation. If the patient has a fibroid in the muscular layer which is impinging or distorting the endometrial living /cavity, the patient may encounter fertility problems. Surgical line of treatment in form of hysteroscopic myomectomy or laparoscopic myomectomy is excellent modality which is an extremely beneficial as it is minimally invasive, small cuts or no cuts on the skin, minimal or no scar, minimal pain ,quick return to normal activities and work .

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