Diabetic Surgery in Jalandhar, Gastric Bypass Surgery Punjab

Posted : 20 Sep, 2023


Hysteroscopy is a procedure which is used by the Gynaecologist or surgical specialist to examine inside of the uterus or womb by a telescope and the image seen is visualized on a monitor. Hysteroscopy can be ordered by you doctor as a diagnostic hysteroscopy or operative hysteroscopy. It will be ordered as an OPD procedure (office hysteroscopy) or as a day care procedure, where it IS planned under anesthesia in the operating room where by you may be asked to stay for a couple of hours in the hospital after hysteroscopy. It may be combined with laparoscopy as a combination of both the procedures. you will be asked to undergo hysteroscopy if you are undergoing your fertility treatment, prior to an IVF procedure or if any uterine abnormality or intrauterine pathology has been picked up on ultrasound, you have any previous history of abortion or recurrent pregnancy loss. Besides fertility treatment, hysteroscopy is used for heavy and excessive periods/ abnormal uterine bleeding and any postmenopausal bleeding. For patients undergoing D&C, hysteroscopy is an advancement because the treating doctor can take tissue sample of specific areas during curettage. On hysteroscopy the doctor can see and treat the abnormalities like submucosal fibroids, polyps or structural abnormalities. It can also be used if an intrauterine device has got stuck or imbedded in the uterus which requires removal.

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