Diabetic Surgery in Jalandhar, Gastric Bypass Surgery Punjab

Posted : 20 Sep, 2023


Fibroids also called as myomas are noncancerous tumors which arise from the muscle tissue of the uterus. The fibroids are very common with increasing age and by the age of 50 yrs, seventy percent of the females will have fibroids. They form the commonest reason for a gynecological surgery.


The patient may be totally unaware of their presence with no symptoms and they may be picked up on a routine visit to the gynecologist when an ultrasound scanning is done. There will be another category of patients with symptoms like abnormal uterine bleeding, heavy periods with or without clots. There will be others who experience pain in the lower abdomen. Some patients will present with a bulge in the lower abdomen which might be increasing in size. The other symptoms may be pressure feeling in the lower abdomen (below the umbilicus) or urinary symptoms or bowel symptoms. Many patients in reproductive age group will present with inability to conceive / infertility. Other may have problem with maintaining pregnancy and have repeated pregnancy loss or miscarriage. What so ever be the symptoms, the good news is that are treatable. Surgical removal of fibroids, (myoma) is called myomectomy. Surgical modality with minimally invasive techniques like laparoscopy, hysteroscopy can be undertaken for removal of the fibroids.

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