Diabetic Surgery in Jalandhar, Gastric Bypass Surgery Punjab

Posted : 20 Sep, 2023

The five common symptoms which may be there with fibroids

Uterus fibroid grow under the influence of hormone estrogen. 50% of the women do not have any symptoms. Those who have symptoms, the 5 common symptoms are:-

1. Excessive periods and for longer duration (menorrhagia) where the blood loss is more than 80ml per cycle or menses last longer than seven days. These women complain of passing large size clots and usage of more blood-soaked sanitary pads per day.

2. Low hemoglobin (anemia) related to the excessive loss of blood.

3. Painful periods (dysmenorrhea) - the uterus goes in to spasm as it has to expel the large clots and blood from the uterus. The pain starts with the bleeding and ends abruptly when the bleeding stops.

4. Pressure effects by a large fibroid which may be urinary symptoms like increased frequency of passing urine or retention of urine or dilatation of the ureter. There can be bowel symptoms causing tenesmus i.e. feeling that you need to pass stool even though the bowels are already empty. It may involve crampy pain or straining.

5. Infertility or inability to conceive can be because of multiple fibroids or abnormal location of the fibroid and needs removal to help her conceive.

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